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An Introduction to Semantic Matching Techniques in NLP and Computer Vision by Georgian Georgian Impact Blog

semantic techniques

However, some recent attempts at modeling semantic memory have taken a different perspective on how meaning representations are constructed. Retrieval-based models challenge the strict distinction between semantic and episodic memory, by constructing semantic representations through retrieval-based processes operating on episodic experiences. Retrieval-based models are based on Hintzman’s (1988) MINERVA 2 model, which was originally proposed to explain how individuals learn to categorize concepts. Hintzman argued that humans store all instances or episodes that they experience, and that categorization of a new concept is simply a weighted function of its similarity to these stored instances at the time of retrieval.

Additionally, given that topic models represent word meanings as a distribution over a set of topics, they naturally account for multiple senses of a word without the need for an explicit process model, unlike other DSMs such as LSA or HAL (Griffiths et al., 2007). First, it is possible that large amounts of training data (e.g., a billion words) and hyperparameter tuning (e.g., subsampling or negative sampling) are the main factors contributing to predictive models showing the reported gains in performance compared to their Hebbian learning counterparts. To address this possibility, Levy and Goldberg (2014) compared the computational algorithms underlying error-free learning-based models and predictive models and showed that the skip-gram word2vec model implicitly factorizes the word-context matrix, similar to several error-free learning-based models such as LSA. Therefore, it does appear that predictive models and error-free learning-based models may not be as different as initially conceived, and both approaches may actually converge on the same set of psychological principles. Second, it is possible that predictive models are indeed capturing a basic error-driven learning mechanism that humans use to perform certain types of complex tasks that require keeping track of sequential dependencies, such as sentence processing, reading comprehension, and event segmentation. Subsequent sections in this review discuss how state-of-the-art approaches specifically aimed at explaining performance in such complex semantic tasks are indeed variants or extensions of this prediction-based approach, suggesting that these models currently represent a promising and psychologically intuitive approach to semantic representation.

This study also highlights the future prospects of semantic analysis domain and finally the study is concluded with the result section where areas of improvement are highlighted and the recommendations are made for the future research. This study also highlights the weakness and the limitations of the study in the discussion (Sect. 4) and results (Sect. 5). A critical issue that has not received adequate attention in the semantic modeling field is the quality and nature of benchmark test datasets that are often considered the final word for comparing state-of-the-art machine-learning-based language models. The General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE; Wang et al., 2018) benchmark was recently proposed as a collection of language-based task datasets, including the Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability (CoLA; Warstadt et al., 2018), the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (Socher et al., 2013), and the Winograd Schema Challenge (Levesque, Davis, & Morgenstern, 2012), among a total of 11 language tasks. Other popular benchmarks in the field include decaNLP (McCann, Keskar, Xiong, & Socher, 2018), the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD; Rajpurkar et al., 2018), Word Similarity Test Collection (WordSim-33; Finkelstein et al., 2002) among others.

Ultimately, integrating lessons learned from behavioral studies showing the interaction of world knowledge, linguistic and environmental context, and attention in complex cognitive tasks with computational techniques that focus on quantifying association, abstraction, and prediction will be critical in developing a complete theory of language. This section reviewed some early and recent work at modeling compositionality, by building higher-level representations such as sentences and events, through lower-level units such as words or discrete time points in video data. One important limitation of the event models described above is that they are not models of semantic memory per se, in that they neither contain rich semantic representations as input (Franklin et al., 2019), nor do they explicitly model how linguistic or perceptual input might be integrated to learn concepts (Elman & McRae, 2019).

semantic techniques

While this approach is promising, it appears to be circular because it still uses vast amounts of data to build the initial pretrained representations. Other work in this area has attempted to implement one-shot learning using Bayesian generative principles (Lake, Salakhutdinov, & Tenenbaum, 2015), and it remains to be seen how probabilistic semantic representations account for the generative and creative nature of human language. Proponents of the grounded cognition view have also presented empirical (Glenberg & Robertson, https://chat.openai.com/ 2000; Rubinstein, Levi, Schwartz, & Rappoport, 2015) and theoretical criticisms (Barsalou, 2003; Perfetti, 1998) of DSMs over the years. For example, Glenberg and Robertson (2000) reported three experiments to argue that high-dimensional space models like LSA/HAL are inadequate theories of meaning, because they fail to distinguish between sensible (e.g., filling an old sweater with leaves) and nonsensical sentences (e.g., filling an old sweater with water) based on cosine similarity between words (but see Burgess, 2000).

Humans not only extract complex statistical regularities from natural language and the environment, but also form semantic structures of world knowledge that influence their behavior in tasks like complex inference and argument reasoning. Therefore, explicitly testing machine-learning models on the specific knowledge they have acquired will become extremely important in ensuring that the models are truly learning meaning and not simply exhibiting the “Clever Hans” effect (Heinzerling, 2019). To that end, explicit process-based accounts that shed light on the cognitive processes operating on underlying semantic representations across different semantic tasks may be useful in evaluating the psychological plausibility of different models. A promising step towards understanding how distributional models may dynamically influence task performance was taken by Rotaru, Vigliocco, and Frank (2018), who recently showed that combining semantic network-based representations derived from LSA, GloVe, and word2vec with a dynamic spreading-activation framework significantly improved the predictive power of the models on semantic tasks.

While there is no one theory of grounded cognition (Matheson & Barsalou, 2018), the central tenet common to several of them is that the body, brain, and physical environment dynamically interact to produce meaning and cognitive behavior. For example, based on Barsalou’s account (Barsalou, 1999, 2003, 2008), when an individual first encounters an object or experience (e.g., a knife), it is stored in the modalities (e.g., its shape in the visual modality, its sharpness in the tactile Chat GPT modality, etc.) and the sensorimotor system (e.g., how it is used as a weapon or kitchen utensil). Repeated co-occurrences of physical stimulations result in functional associations (likely mediated by associative Hebbian learning and/or connectionist mechanisms) that form a multimodal representation of the object or experience (Matheson & Barsalou, 2018). Features of these representations are activated through recurrent connections, which produces a simulation of past experiences.

Difference Between Keyword And Semantic Search

Early distributional models like LSA and HAL recognized this limitation of collapsing a word’s meaning into a single representation. Landauer (2001) noted that LSA is indeed able to disambiguate word meanings when given surrounding context, i.e., neighboring words (for similar arguments see Burgess, 2001). To that end, Kintsch (2001) proposed an algorithm operating on LSA vectors that examined the local context around the target word to compute different senses of the word.

Additionally, Levy, Goldberg, and Dagan (2015) showed that hyperparameters like window sizes, subsampling, and negative sampling can significantly affect performance, and it is not the case that predictive models are always superior to error-free learning-based models. The fourth section focuses on the issue of compositionality, i.e., how words can be effectively combined and scaled up to represent higher-order linguistic structures such as sentences, paragraphs, or even episodic events. In particular, some early approaches to modeling compositional structures like vector addition (Landauer & Dumais, 1997), frequent phrase extraction (Mikolov, Sutskever, Chen, Corrado, & Dean, 2013), and finding linguistic patterns in sentences (Turney & Pantel, 2010) are discussed. The rest of the section focuses on modern approaches to representing higher-order structures through hierarchical tree-based neural networks (Socher et al., 2013) and modern recurrent neural networks (Elman & McRae, 2019; Franklin, Norman, Ranganath, Zacks, & Gershman, 2019). Collectively, these studies appear to underscore the intuitions of the grounded cognition researchers that semantic models based solely on linguistic sources do not produce sufficiently rich representations.

semantic techniques

Context can be as simple as the locale (an American searching for “football” wants something different compared to a Brit searching the same thing) or much more complex. It goes beyond keyword matching by using information that might not be present immediately in the text (the keywords themselves) but is closely tied to what the searcher wants. Understanding these terms is crucial to NLP programs that seek to draw insight from textual information, extract information and provide data. Every type of communication — be it a tweet, LinkedIn post, or review in the comments section of a website — may contain potentially relevant and even valuable information that companies must capture and understand to stay ahead of their competition. Capturing the information is the easy part but understanding what is being said (and doing this at scale) is a whole different story. Both polysemy and homonymy words have the same syntax or spelling but the main difference between them is that in polysemy, the meanings of the words are related but in homonymy, the meanings of the words are not related.

The majority of the work in machine learning and natural language processing has focused on building models that outperform other models, or how the models compare to task benchmarks for only young adult populations. Therefore, it remains unclear how the mechanisms proposed by these models compare to the language acquisition and representation processes in humans, although subsequent sections make the case that recent attempts towards incorporating multimodal information, and temporal and attentional influences are making significant strides in this direction. Ultimately, it is possible that humans use multiple levels of representation and more than one mechanism to produce and maintain flexible semantic representations that can be widely applied across a wide range of tasks, and a brief review of how empirical work on context, attention, perception, and action has informed semantic models will provide a finer understanding on some of these issues.

Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks

Given the recent advances in developing multimodal DSMs, interpretable and generative topic models, and attention-based semantic models, this goal at least appears to be achievable. However, some important challenges still need to be addressed before the field will be able to integrate these approaches and design a unified architecture. For example, addressing challenges like one-shot learning, language-related errors and deficits, the role of social interactions, and the lack of process-based accounts will be important in furthering research in the field. Although the current modeling enterprise has come very far in decoding the statistical regularities humans use to learn meaning from the linguistic and perceptual environment, no single model has been successfully able to account for the flexible and innumerable ways in which humans acquire and retrieve knowledge.

For example, Reisinger and Mooney (2010) used a clustering approach to construct sense-specific word embeddings that were successfully able to account for word similarity in isolation and within a sentential context. In their model, a word’s contexts were clustered to produce different groups of similar context vectors, and these context vectors were then averaged into sense-specific vectors for the different clusters. A slightly different clustering approach was taken by Li and Jurafsky (2015), where the sense clusters and embeddings were jointly learned using a Bayesian non-parametric framework. Their model used the Chinese Restaurant Process, according to which a new sense vector for a word was computed when evidence from the context (e.g., neighboring and co-occurring words) suggested that it was sufficiently different from the existing senses. Li and Jurafsky indicated that their model successfully outperformed traditional embeddings on semantic relatedness tasks. Other work in this area has employed multilingual distributional information to generate different senses for words (Upadhyay, Chang, Taddy, Kalai, & Zou, 2017), although the use of multiple languages to uncover word senses does not appear to be a psychologically plausible proposal for how humans derive word senses from language.

In this way, they are able to focus attention on multiple words at a time to perform the task at hand. These position vectors are then updated using attention vectors, which represent a weighted sum of position vectors of other words and depend upon how strongly each position contributes to the word’s representation. Specifically, attention vectors are computed using a compatibility function (similar to an alignment score in Bahdanau et al., 2014), which assigns a score to each pair of words indicating how strongly they should attend to one another. By computing errors bidirectionally and updating the position and attention vectors with each iteration, BERT’s word vectors are influenced by other words’ vectors and tend to develop contextually dependent word embeddings. For example, the representation of the word ostrich in the BERT model would be different when it is in a sentence about birds (e.g., ostriches and emus are large birds) versus food (ostrich eggs can be used to make omelets), due to the different position and attention vectors contributing to these two representations.

A deep semantic matching approach for identifying relevant messages for social media analysis Scientific Reports – Nature.com

A deep semantic matching approach for identifying relevant messages for social media analysis Scientific Reports.

Posted: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Semantics of Programming Languages exposes the basic motivations and philosophy underlying the applications of semantic techniques in computer science. It introduces the mathematical theory of programming languages with an emphasis on higher-order functions and type systems. Designed as a text for upper-level and graduate-level students, the mathematically sophisticated approach will also prove useful to professionals who want an easily referenced description of fundamental results and calculi. If you’re new to the field of computer vision, consider enrolling in an online course like Image Processing for Engineering and Science Specialization from MathWorks. Semantic search is a powerful tool for search applications that have come to the forefront with the rise of powerful deep learning models and the hardware to support them.

II. Contextual and Retrieval-Based Semantic Memory

Another important aspect of language learning is that humans actively learn from each other and through interactions with their social counterparts, whereas the majority of computational language models assume that learners are simply processing incoming information in a passive manner (Günther et al., 2019). Indeed, there is now ample evidence to suggest that language evolved through natural selection for the purposes of gathering and sharing information (Pinker, 2003, p. 27; DeVore & Tooby, 1987), thereby allowing for personal experiences and episodic information to be shared among humans (Corballis, 2017a, 2017b). Consequently, understanding how artificial and human learners may communicate and collaborate in complex tasks is currently an active area of research. Another body of work currently being led by technology giants like Google and OpenAI is focused on modeling interactions in multiplayer games like football (Kurach et al., 2019) and Dota 2 (OpenAI, 2019). This work is primarily based on reinforcement learning principles, where the goal is to train neural network agents to interact with their environment and perform complex tasks (Sutton & Barto, 1998).

semantic techniques

More precisely, a keypoint on the left image is matched to a keypoint on the right image corresponding to the lowest NN distance. If the connected keypoints are right, then the line is colored as green, otherwise it’s colored red. semantic techniques Owing to rotational and 3D view invariance, SIFT is able to semantically relate similar regions of the two images. Furthermore, SIFT performs several operations on every pixel in the image, making it computationally expensive.

Semantic memory: A review of methods, models, and current challenges

Semantic search attempts to apply user intent and the meaning (or semantics) of words and phrases to find the right content. Although they did not explicitly mention semantic search in their original GPT-3 paper, OpenAI did release a GPT-3 semantic search REST API . While the specific details of the implementation are unknown, we assume it is something akin to the ideas mentioned so far, likely with the Bi-Encoder or Cross-Encoder paradigm. With all PLMs that leverage Transformers, the size of the input is limited by the number of tokens the Transformer model can take as input (often denoted as max sequence length). We can, however, address this limitation by introducing text summarization as a preprocessing step. Other alternatives can include breaking the document into smaller parts, and coming up with a composite score using mean or max pooling techniques.

While several models draw inspiration from psychological principles, the differences between them certainly have implications for the extent to which they explain behavior. This summary focuses on the extent to which associative network and feature-based models, as well as error-free and error-driven learning-based DSMs speak to important debates regarding association, direct and indirect patterns of co-occurrence, and prediction. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Another important milestone in the study of meaning was the formalization of the distributional hypothesis (Harris, 1970), best captured by the phrase “you shall know a word by the company it keeps” (Firth, 1957), which dates back to Wittgenstein’s early intuitions (Wittgenstein, 1953) about meaning representation. The idea behind the distributional hypothesis is that meaning is learned by inferring how words co-occur in natural language. For example, ostrich and egg may become related because they frequently co-occur in natural language, whereas ostrich and emu may become related because they co-occur with similar words. This distributional principle has laid the groundwork for several decades of work in modeling the explicit nature of meaning representation.

  • By getting ahead of the user intent, the search engine can return the most relevant results, and not distract the user with items that match textually, but not relevantly.
  • Some relationships may be simply dependent on direct and local co-occurrence of words in natural language (e.g., ostrich and egg frequently co-occur in natural language), whereas other relationships may in fact emerge from indirect co-occurrence (e.g., ostrich and emu do not co-occur with each other, but tend to co-occur with similar words).
  • Computational network-based models of semantic memory have gained significant traction in the past decade, mainly due to the recent popularity of graph theoretical and network-science approaches to modeling cognitive processes (for a review, see Siew, Wulff, Beckage, & Kenett, 2018).

Semantics, full abstraction and other semantic correspondence criteria, types and evaluation, type checking and inference, parametric polymorphism, and subtyping. All topics are treated clearly and in depth, with complete proofs for the major results and numerous exercises. It can make recommendations based on the previously purchased products, find the most similar image, and can determine which items best match semantically when compared to a user’s query.

An activity was defined as a collection of agents, patients, actions, instruments, states, and contexts, each of which were supplied as inputs to the network. The task of the network was to learn the internal structure of an activity (i.e., which features correlate with a particular activity) and also predict the next activity in sequence. Elman and McRae showed that this network was able to infer the co-occurrence dynamics of activities, and also predict sequential activity sequences for new events. The skater receives a ___”, the network activated the words podium and medal after the fourth sentence (“The skater receives a”) because both of these are contextually appropriate (receiving an award at the podium and receiving a medal), although medal was more activated than podium as it was more appropriate within that context. This behavior of the model was strikingly consistent with N400 amplitudes observed for the same types of sentences in an ERP study (Metusalem et al., 2012), indicating that the model was able to make predictive inferences like human participants. Despite their considerable success, an important limitation of feature-integrated distributional models is that the perceptual features available are often restricted to small datasets (e.g., 541 concrete nouns from McRae et al., 2005), although some recent work has attempted to collect a larger dataset of feature norms (e.g., 4436 concepts; Buchanan, Valentine, & Maxwell, 2019).

The drawings contained a local attractor (e.g., cherry) that was compatible with the closest adjective (e.g., red) but not the overall context, or an adjective-incompatible object (e.g., igloo). Context was manipulated by providing a verb that was highly constraining (e.g., cage) or non-constraining (e.g., describe). The results indicated that participants fixated on the local attractor in both constraining and non-constraining contexts, compared to incompatible control words, although fixation was smaller in more constrained contexts. Collectively, this work indicates that linguistic context and attentional processes interact and shape semantic memory representations, providing further evidence for automatic and attentional components (Neely, 1977; Posner & Snyder, 1975) involved in language processing.

However, this data type is prone to uncorrectable fluctuations caused by camera focus, lighting, and angle variations. Introducing a convolutional neural network (CNN) to this process made it possible for models to extract individual features and deduce what objects they represent. Semantic analysis is key to the foundational task of extracting context, intent, and meaning from natural human language and making them machine-readable.

Specifically, two distinct psychological mechanisms have been proposed to account for associative learning, broadly referred to as error-free and error-driven learning mechanisms. This Hebbian learning mechanism is at the heart of several classic and recent models of semantic memory, which are discussed in this section. On the other hand, error-driven learning mechanisms posit that learning is accomplished by predicting events in response to a stimulus, and then applying an error-correction mechanism to learn associations. Error-correction mechanisms often vary across learning models but broadly share principles with Rescorla and Wagner’s (1972) model of animal cognition, where they described how learning may actually be driven by expectation error, instead of error-free associative learning (Rescorla, 1988). This section reviews DSMs that are consistent with the error-free and error-driven learning approaches to constructing meaning representations, and the summary section discusses the evidence in favor of and against each class of models. The first section presents a modern perspective on the classic issues of semantic memory representation and learning.

Does the conceptualization of what the word ostrich means change when an individual is thinking about the size of different birds versus the types of eggs one could use to make an omelet? Although intuitively it appears that there is one “static” representation of ostrich that remains unchanged across different contexts, considerable evidence on the time course of sentence processing suggests otherwise. In particular, a large body of work has investigated how semantic representations come “online” during sentence comprehension and the extent to which these representations depend on the surrounding context. For example, there is evidence to show that the surrounding sentential context and the frequency of meaning may influence lexical access for ambiguous words (e.g., bark has a tree and sound-related meaning) at different timepoints (Swinney, 1979; Tabossi, Colombo, & Job, 1987).

More recent embeddings like fastText (Bojanowski et al., 2017) that are trained on sub-lexical units are a promising step in this direction. Furthermore, constructing multilingual word embeddings that can represent words from multiple languages in a single distributional space is currently a thriving area of research in the machine-learning community (e.g., Chen & Cardie, 2018; Lample, Conneau, Ranzato, Denoyer, & Jégou, 2018). Overall, evaluating modern machine-learning models on other languages can provide important insights about language learning and is therefore critical to the success of the language modeling enterprise. There is also some work within the domain of associative network models of semantic memory that has focused on integrating different sources of information to construct the semantic networks. One particular line of research has investigated combining word-association norms with featural information, co-occurrence information, and phonological similarity to form multiplex networks (Stella, Beckage, & Brede, 2017; Stella, Beckage, Brede, & De Domenico, 2018).

Of course, it is not feasible for the model to go through comparisons one-by-one ( “Are Toyota Prius and hybrid seen together often? How about hybrid and steak?”) and so what happens instead is that the models will encode patterns that it notices about the different phrases. While these all help to provide improved results, they can fall short with more intelligent matching, and matching on concepts. By getting ahead of the user intent, the search engine can return the most relevant results, and not distract the user with items that match textually, but not relevantly.

Network-based approaches to semantic memory have a long and rich tradition rooted in psychology and computer science. The mechanistic account of these findings was through a spreading activation framework (Quillian, 1967, 1969), according to which individual nodes in the network are activated, which in turn leads to the activation of neighboring nodes, and the network is traversed until the desired node or proposition is reached and a response is made. Interestingly, the number of steps taken to traverse the path in the proposed memory network predicted the time taken to verify a sentence in the original Collins and Quillian (1969) model.

semantic techniques

McRae et al. then used these features to train a model using simple correlational learning algorithms (see next subsection) applied over a number of iterations, which enabled the network to settle into a stable state that represented a learned concept. A critical result of this modeling approach was that correlations among features predicted response latencies in feature-verification tasks in human participants as well as model simulations. Importantly, this approach highlighted how statistical regularities among features may be encoded in a memory representation over time. Subsequent work in this line of research demonstrated how feature correlations predicted differences in priming for living and nonliving things and explained typicality effects (McRae, 2004). However, before abstraction (at encoding) can be rejected as a plausible mechanism underlying meaning computation, retrieval-based models need to address several bottlenecks, only one of which is computational complexity. Jones et al. (2018) recently noted that computational constraints should not influence our preference of traditional prototype models over exemplar-based models, especially since exemplar models have provided better fits to categorization task data, compared to prototype models (Ashby & Maddox, 1993; Nosofsky, 1988; Stanton, Nosofsky, & Zaki, 2002).

Audio Data

Therefore, an important challenge for computational semantic models is to be able to generalize the basic mechanisms of building semantic representations from English corpora to other languages. Some recent work has applied character-level CNNs to learn the rich morphological structure of languages like Arabic, French, and Russian (Kim, Jernite, Sontag, & Rush, 2016; also see Botha & Blunsom, 2014; Luong, Socher, & Manning, 2013). These approaches clearly suggest that pure word-level models that have occupied centerstage in the English language modeling community may not work as well in other languages, and subword information may in fact be critical in the language learning process.

Another strong critique of the grounded cognition view is that it has difficulties accounting for how abstract concepts (e.g., love, freedom etc.) that do not have any grounding in perceptual experience are acquired or can possibly be simulated (Dove, 2011). Some researchers have attempted to “ground” abstract concepts in metaphors (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999), emotional or internal states (Vigliocco et al., 2013), or temporally distributed events and situations (Barsalou & Wiemer-Hastings, 2005), but the mechanistic account for the acquisition of abstract concepts is still an active area of research. Finally, there is a dearth of formal models that provide specific mechanisms by which features acquired by the sensorimotor system might be combined into a coherent concept. Some accounts suggest that semantic representations may be created by patterns of synchronized neural activity, which may represent different sensorimotor information (Schneider, Debener, Oostenveld, & Engel, 2008). Other work has suggested that certain regions of the cortex may serve as “hubs” or “convergence zones” that combine features into coherent representations (Patterson, Nestor, & Rogers, 2007), and may reflect temporally synchronous activity within areas to which the features belong (Damasio, 1989). However, comparisons of such approaches to DSMs remain limited due to the lack of formal grounded models, although there have been some recent attempts at modeling perceptual schemas (Pezzulo & Calvi, 2011) and Hebbian learning (Garagnani & Pulvermüller, 2016).

semantic techniques

Therefore, to evaluate whether state-of-the-art machine learning models like ELMo, BERT, and GPT-2 are indeed plausible psychological models of semantic memory, it is important to not only establish human baselines for benchmark tasks in the machine-learning community, but also explicitly compare model performance to human baselines in both accuracy and response times. Recent efforts in the machine-learning community have also attempted to tackle semantic compositionality using Recursive NNs. Recursive NNs represent a generalization of recurrent NNs that, given a syntactic parse-tree representation of a sentence, can generate hierarchical tree-like semantic representations by combining individual words in a recursive manner (conditional on how probable the composition would be).

Another important part of this debate on associative relationships is the representational issues posed by association network models and feature-based models. As discussed earlier, the validity of associative semantic networks and feature-based models as accurate models of semantic memory has been called into question (Jones, Hills, & Todd, 2015) due to the lack of explicit mechanisms for learning relationships between words. One important observation from this work is that the debate is less about the underlying structure (network-based/localist or distributed) and more about the input contributing to the resulting structure. Networks and feature lists in and of themselves are simply tools to represent a particular set of data, similar to high-dimensional vector spaces. As such, cosines in vector spaces can be converted to step-based distances that form a network using cosine thresholds (e.g., Gruenenfelder, Recchia, Rubin, & Jones, 2016; Steyvers & Tenenbaum, 2005) or a binary list of features (similar to “dimensions” in DSMs). Therefore, the critical difference between associative networks/feature-based models and DSMs is not that the former is a network/list and the latter is a vector space, but rather the fact that associative networks are constructed from free-association responses, feature-based models use property norms, and DSMs learn from text corpora.

DL Tutorial 21 — Semantic Segmentation Techniques and Architectures by Ayşe Kübra Kuyucu – DataDrivenInvestor

DL Tutorial 21 — Semantic Segmentation Techniques and Architectures by Ayşe Kübra Kuyucu.

Posted: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Learning in connectionist models (sometimes called feed-forward networks if there are no recurrent connections, see section II), can be accomplished in a supervised or unsupervised manner. In supervised learning, the network tries to maximize the likelihood of a desired goal or output for a given set of input units by predicting outputs at every iteration. The weights of the signals are thus adjusted to minimize the error between the target output and the network’s output, through error backpropagation (Rumelhart, Hinton, & Williams, 1988). In unsupervised learning, weights within the network are adjusted based on the inherent structure of the data, which is used to inform the model about prediction errors (e.g., Mikolov, Chen, et al., 2013; Mikolov, Sutskever, et al., 2013).

Importantly, the architecture of BERT allows it to be flexibly finetuned and applied to any semantic task, while still using the basic attention-based mechanism. However, considerable work is beginning to evaluate these models using more rigorous test cases and starting to question whether these models are actually learning anything meaningful (e.g., Brown et al., 2020; Niven & Kao, 2019), an issue that is discussed in detail in Section V. Although early feature-based models of semantic memory set the groundwork for modern approaches to semantic modeling, none of the models had any systematic way of measuring these features (e.g., Smith et al., 1974, applied multidimensional scaling to similarity ratings to uncover underlying features). Later versions of feature-based models thus focused on explicitly coding these features into computational models by using norms from property-generation tasks (McRae, De Sa, & Seidenberg, 1997). To obtain these norms, participants were asked to list features for concepts (e.g., for the word ostrich, participants may list bird, , , and as features), the idea being that these features constitute explicit knowledge participants have about a concept.

This relatively simple error-free learning mechanism was able to account for a wide variety of cognitive phenomena in tasks such as lexical decision and categorization (Li, Burgess, & Lund, 2000). However, HAL encountered difficulties in accounting for mediated priming effects (Livesay & Burgess, 1998; see section summary for details), which was considered as evidence in favor of semantic network models. Kiela and Bottou (2014) applied CNNs to extract the most meaningful features from images from a large image database (ImageNet; Deng et al., 2009) and then concatenated these image vectors with linguistic word2vec vectors to produce superior semantic representations compared to Bruni et al. (2014); also see Silberer & Lapata, 2014). Collectively, these recent approaches to construct contextually sensitive semantic representations (through recurrent and attention-based NNs) are showing unprecedented success at addressing the bottlenecks regarding polysemy, attentional influences, and context that were considered problematic for earlier DSMs. An important insight that is common to both contextualized RNNs and attention-based NNs discussed above is the idea of contextualized semantic representations, a notion that is certainly at odds with the traditional conceptualization of context-free semantic memory. Indeed, the following section discusses a new class of models take this notion a step further by entirely eliminating the need for learning representations or “semantic memory” and propose that all meaning representations may in fact be retrieval-based, therefore blurring the historical distinction between episodic and semantic memory.

Using the ideas of this paper, the library is a lightweight wrapper on top of HuggingFace Transformers that provides sentence encoding and semantic matching functionalities. This loss function combined in a siamese network also forms the basis of Bi-Encoders and allows the architecture to learn semantically relevant sentence embeddings that can be effectively compared using a metric like cosine similarity. With the help of meaning representation, we can represent unambiguously, canonical forms at the lexical level. In Natural Language, the meaning of a word may vary as per its usage in sentences and the context of the text.

  • Another popular distributional model that has been widely applied across cognitive science is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA; Landauer & Dumais, 1997), a semantic model that has successfully explained performance in several cognitive tasks such as semantic similarity (Landauer & Dumais, 1997), discourse comprehension (Kintsch, 1998), and essay scoring (Landauer, Laham, Rehder, & Schreiner, 1997).
  • Subsequent sections in this review discuss how state-of-the-art approaches specifically aimed at explaining performance in such complex semantic tasks are indeed variants or extensions of this prediction-based approach, suggesting that these models currently represent a promising and psychologically intuitive approach to semantic representation.
  • Semantic analysis helps natural language processing (NLP) figure out the correct concept for words and phrases that can have more than one meaning.
  • Instance segmentation expands upon semantic segmentation by assigning class labels and differentiating between individual objects within those classes.
  • By organizing myriad data, semantic analysis in AI can help find relevant materials quickly for your employees, clients, or consumers, saving time in organizing and locating information and allowing your employees to put more effort into other important projects.

Using semantic analysis to acquire structured information can help you shape your business’s future, especially in customer service. In this field, semantic analysis allows options for faster responses, leading to faster resolutions for problems. Additionally, for employees working in your operational risk management division, semantic analysis technology can quickly and completely provide the information necessary to give you insight into the risk assessment process. By organizing myriad data, semantic analysis in AI can help find relevant materials quickly for your employees, clients, or consumers, saving time in organizing and locating information and allowing your employees to put more effort into other important projects. It is also a useful tool to help with automated programs, like when you’re having a question-and-answer session with a chatbot. Powerful semantic-enhanced machine learning tools will deliver valuable insights that drive better decision-making and improve customer experience.

Thus, the ability of a machine to overcome the ambiguity involved in identifying the meaning of a word based on its usage and context is called Word Sense Disambiguation. Hence, under Compositional Semantics Analysis, we try to understand how combinations of individual words form the meaning of the text. Semantic analysis offers your business many benefits when it comes to utilizing artificial intelligence (AI). Semantic analysis aims to offer the best digital experience possible when interacting with technology as if it were human.

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